Access Consciouness®

(Access Bars)®


Access Consciousness (R)  (Access Bars (R)) is a collection of practical tools and techniques channelled by Gary M Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer that allows you to choose and use to change whatever you would like to change in your life and facilitates a different way of functioning. Most people function from their thoughts, emotions and feelings according to Gary. “When we function this way we are not being, we are determining, deciding, judging and concluding what we can receive and how we can receive”(Ref: Access consciousness manual P26).

The infinite universe is continuously gifting to us and we decide what we will receive based on our willingness to Be. Thoughts, feelings and emotions create duality, separation and cut off our receiving. The tagline of Access is: “Empowering People To Know That They Know”. Gary Douglas the founder of Access Consciousness says “Consciousness & Oneness includes everything and judges nothing. It’s the ability to be present in your life in every moment without judgement of you or anyone else. It’s the ability to receive everything, to judge nothing, and to allow the entire universe to be what it is”.

“The Bars (R) are 32 points on the head where you have stored all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, considerations, emotions and attitudes that you thought were important in any lifetime”. Getting your Bars run starts to dissipate the electrical charge of polarity stored in the brain. Creating the energy flow through running the Bars will start to generate things in a new way opening you up to create other choices and new possibilities. Bars can be used to facilitate change in all aspects of your life. Duration: 1 Hour.

The mantra of Access is “All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory”. Using various Access tools processes and techniques such as clearing statements resets negative or limiting beliefs. (See for further information).

Potential Benefits of  Access Bars (R)

  • Improved sleep

  • Improved energy levels

  • Better Health

  • Weight control

  • Money/financial abundance

  • Improved Relationships

  • Better Work /life balance

  • Greater joy in life

  • Increased clarity of focus and direction

  • With endless possibilities, what else is possible?