
I am a registered advanced Nurse Practitioner (RANP). I have practiced  healing therapies for over twenty years as a way of improving holistic health and well being for myself and those in my care.

Complementary therapies do not take the place of investigation, diagnosis and treatment by a medical practitioner, therefore consulting your doctor and following treatment regimes and disease modifying medication is recommended. Members of private health Insurance companies can claim partial refund on reflexology treatments provided by this registered General Nurse and member of National Register of Reflexologists Ireland (NRRI) practitioner.

These therapies allow each person to take responsibility for their own health and make lifestyle choices that support, empower and nurture their mind, body and spirit for optimum health and well being.


Reflexology Registered Nurse and NRRI member.

Reflexology is a hands on therapy, ideal for the relief of pain, system  imbalances and stress  as it promotes  deep relaxation and holistic  healing of mind, body and spirit. Reported benefits include pain relief, reduction in stress, improved circulation, removal of toxins/ impurities, improved immunity, increased energy and vitality. It induces and encompasses total body relaxation allowing a return to balance, harmony and improved well being.


Access Consciousness ®  (Access Bars ®)

Access Consciousness is a collection of practical tools and techniques that is said to “defrag the computer” of your brain so that you can function from conscious awarenes, thus removing any blocks and allowing you to receive the universe’s abundance. Creating the energy flow through running the Bars will start to generate things in a new way and facilitate change in all aspects of your life. A willingness to function from more consciousness (awareness) underpins Access Consciousness and opens the door to all healing.


Integrated Energy Therapy healing with the angels (iet)®

Integrated Energy Therapy is a hands on holistic therapy which works on the body’s energy field. By channelling and integrating the healing energy it releases emotional blockage and resolves issues to enable you to reach your highest potential.
IET releases deeply suppressed feelings and patterns from core cellular memories “Gets the issues out of your tissues” clearing negative blocks that limit health, creativity and joy so that healing can take place on all levels .


Angel card guidance reading

Angels are non denominational spiritual beings who appear in many of the world religious cultures. Angels can help with decision -making, health, life choices, family relationships and much more when we ask and they are only too happy to do so. Because as human beings we have free will, the angels cannot interfere in our choices or life challenges until we ask for their assistance (unless in certain extreme circumstances of life or death). Using angel cards is a way of connecting with and learning to know these beautiful spiritual beings of love and light and allowing them to guide, teach and support our learning, growth and life purpose. Duration: 30 Minutes-1 Hour available online


Pranic Energy healing

Pranic Energy healing is a non- touch energy therapy, which works on the energy field around the body (Aura) removing negative thoughts, toxins dis-ease and replacing with vital life force or positive energy. It restores health and vitality and accelerates the healing of illness or energy  imbalance encouraging and supporting peace, happiness and joy. It promotes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and helps a person connect with their soul to live and follow their true purpose in life. Pranic healing can also be used to improve relationships, remove toxins from home/work environments.

Distance Healing

Distance Healing is a technique whereby you do not have to be physically present to receive healing. The intention to heal is sent by the healer and received by the client in an instant transmission. The healer can then access information about the client and transmit healing to where it is most needed. It has been explained by Quantum Physics whereby when two particles of energy come into contact, they can share information or mirror each other even if separated by time and space. Due to the current global issues of war the world needs healing more than ever. I am keen to make my gift of healing accessible to all in need by providing a unique distance healing tailored to an individual or group’s needs.

In addition I offer sessions of ancestral healing to heal recurring patterns or family issues through distance healing techniques.


  • “I really enjoyed the session and felt very relaxed and much stronger afterwards. I will definitely be back for more”. BM.

  • “You cured my knee pain thanks so much”. EM.

  • “Thanks so much, I felt brimming with positivity and I’m sure I transferred some of it to my little boy so he drifted off to sleep peacefully. My little girl keeps asking for hugs to get some power. My muscles felt relaxed, breathing improved and head and neck feel amazing”. MD.

  • “During the healing I felt tingling down my legs and sensations of coolness and warmth which brought indescribable peace”. MB.

  • I never had Pranic healing before and couldn’t get over how relaxed I felt falling asleep within minutes of starting the session”. SK.

  • “I have to say I was floating on Thursday… Friday very relaxed, balance is good, definitely more relaxed, good form overall and have been practising some of your techniques, thanks Jacinta” HH.

  • “I am so glad I had this healing. My life has become easier and less stressful since , even the family have noticed. You are truly gifted, Thanks so much”. LK.

  • I was delighted to have an angelic card reading which was very accurate to what was going on for me at the time. I received messages of encouragement which allowed me to make the decisions I needed. with peace of mind” SG.

  • “The distant healing from Jacinta was a real comfort with the knowledge that Jacinta’s thoughtfulness and understanding allowed me to experience true healing and relaxation in my own home environment via WhatsApp . SE.