Pranic Energy Healing


Pranic Energy Healing is a powerful and effective system of no-touch energy healing originated and developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. “Prana” is a Sanskrit word meaning "life-force," the invisible bio-energy or vital energy that keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. It is based on the principle that the body is a self-repairing living entity, that possesses an innate ability to heal itself. In Pranic Energy Healing removing diseased energies from the client's invisible energy body and transferring fresh vital energy (Prana) to the affected areas with the use of the hands, allows healing to occur. The healing is applied on the bio-electromagnetic field known as the “aura”, or “energy body”, which is a mould or blueprint that surrounds and interpenetrates the physical body. This energy body absorbs life energy and distributes it throughout the physical body via the energy centres or chakras, to the muscles, organs, glands, etc. Physical ailments can first appear as energetic disruptions, or blockages in the aura before manifesting as problems in the physical body, therefore clearing them restores and improves health. Can also be completed via distance. Duration: 30 minutes-1 Hour.


Conditions Treated

Healing of Coughs, Colds, fever & respiratory conditions, Memory and concentration problems, relationship issues, pain /soreness, exhaustion, expansion of spiritual awareness, partial alleviation of symptoms of major illness/disease such as heart, Liver, kidneys.

Can be used to improve the energy at home, work, vehicle or living spaces with increased positivity and much more.

Potential Benefits of Pranic Energy Healing

  • Coughs and colds can be alleviated in a day

  • Major illnesses such as eye, liver, kidney, and heart problems can be partially or substantially relieved in a few sessions.

  • Improved health and increased stamina

  • Inner peace and happiness

  • Better memory and concentration

  • Rapid spiritual growth

  • Reduced stress

  • Attain the ability to attract good luck and become more prosperous

  • Better interpersonal skills.

  • Heal relationships

  • Greater self-esteem.

  • Prosperity- effective money management

Twin Hearts Meditation

The Pranic energy healing practitioner practices the Twin Hearts Meditation to promote world peace. The heart chakra is the centre for compassion, joy, affection, consideration, mercy and other higher refined emotions. The crown chakra [also called the spiritual heart] is located on the top of the head and is the entry point to higher spiritual consciousness. By following the guidelines of the twin hearts meditation, both these chakras are activated creating an immense amount of energy which disintegrates and flushes out all negative emotions from the body.