Integrated Energy Therapy ®

Healing with the Angels (IET)®


Channelled by Archangel Ariel to Stevan Thayer of Woodstock NY, founding director of the Center of Being, Inc. IET ® works to get the “issues out of your tissues”. IET ® uses a Divine Angelic Violet Energy Ray to work with the nine Healing Angels of the Energy Field, directly on the 12 strand DNA  gently releasing blocked energy enabling, empowering and providing harmony and balance to your life.

Using hand techniques on specific reflex points of the body It releases deeply suppressed feelings and patterns from core cellular memories clearing negative blocks that limit health, creativity and joy and integrating positive energy so healing can take place on all levels . IET® empowers you to make healthy choices improving your health and wellness allowing you to enjoy a wonderfully happy life. Duration: 1 Hour.

See: for further information.

Conditions treated

Addiction, Allergies, Anxiety, Arthritis, Back Problems, Depression, Digestive Problems, High Blood Pressure, Hormone Imbalance, Infertility, Lack of motivation/ direction or confidence, Panic Attacks, Menstrual Problems, Migraines, Neck & Joint problems, Pain , Tiredness, Trauma, Sinus Problems, Stress and much more.

Potential Benefits of Integrated Energy Therapy

  • Increase your sense of well-being, life purpose, happiness, creativity, health and prosperity.

  • Painlessly identify and release your deeply suppressed feelings and your core cellular memories.

  • Have more fulfilling, loving relationships in all areas of your life.

  • Discover and live your Soul’s mission in life.

  • Support your self-healing at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

  • Provide gentle yet powerful support for survivors of childhood traumas such as physical and sexual abuse, alcoholic and dysfunctional families.

  • Increase your connection to the loving and nurturing spirit of the Divine.

  • Remove limitations so that you are empowered to live your best life.

  • Whether your energy is depleted or over-stimulated, IET can effectively re-balance your energy body.